Connect with others in the effective environmentalism movement
There are people inspired by effective environmentalism around the globe. Connect via online platforms or at physical events.
LinkedIn group
Join our new group on LinkedIn to find collaborators, exchange ideas, and stay up-to-date with the effective environmentalism movement. We have just created this group and are looking forward to reading your contributions!
Discussion forum
Contribute and read ideas related to effective environmental action on the Effective Altruism Forum. This forum is a central place for collaborative discussion about how to do the most good we can, including in other cause areas like global development, animal welfare, and existential risk reduction.
You can filter the forum website for posts about climate change, air pollution, or biodiversity loss.
Events and meetups
Local groups and communities
We encourage you to reach out to your local effective altruism community to see if there are people with an interest in environmental topics. Visit the effective altruism website to find a list of local groups and a map of community members.
Many conferences of the effective altruism community also feature sessions related to environment and climate change, as well as general sessions about doing good better that you may find interesting. You can find an overview of upcoming conferences on the EA Global webpage.